curated with Amanda Roderick & Caroline HumphreysMay 2024 | Project website Life changing sickness is a commonality that connects many artists’ otherwise disparate practices across decades, genres and lifetimes. Deserters asks ‘What is the relationship between illness and making? ‘Good health’ has obvious merit – but what about the value of ‘ill health’?’ Society draws…

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Rub & Roll

Residency and Exhibition with Cardiff MADE Gallery The Associates programmeJanuary-June 2024 Rub & Roll is the culmination of 4 months of exploratory printmaking using non-toxic techniques,above and below the plate surface, with a core group of 5 exhibiting artists: mentors Sarah Garvey & Lisa Chappell alongside participant artists Bella Kerr, Kate Shooter & Eleanor Whiteman.…

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Play is a Roomy Subject / Le Jeu est un Sujet Spacieux

Play Is a Roomy Subject is an international exhibition, featuring works from Welsh andCanada-based artists, held at the University of Ottawa. The show variously exploresmetaphorical dynamics of play and care within space and relationships. Relationships, be that onan individual scale, or within communities and collectives, or even between humans and theirenvironment, all provide a crucial…

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Introduction to the exhibition The idea of Keeper had been with me for some years – that I would perform a piece for which I would manage a space full of objects over a period of time. When Mission Gallery offered this opportunity, the work developed in discussion with Amanda Roderick and other gallery staff, and…

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CIVIC has grown from an exhibition into a larger project, a network of practitioners and researchers, in conversation about art, architecture and the city; about cultural institutions, place, space, writing & walking. The first manifestation of this project in 2014 was as an interrogation of the city, an invitation to propose architectural and other interventions for…

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Bella Kerr: Civic Dog (Walks) I commissioned Matthew Otten, designer, to make 100 laser-cut slate dogs. The dogs were displayed at the Civic base – the glass porch of the old library building – until they were ‘distributed’ by participants on city walks, to be found (or lost) over future days, weeks or years. The…

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Bed and Table

Oriel Davies, Newtown: 04 July 2009 – 05 September 2009 The research identified a series of spaces including redrooms – the parental bedroom and the dining room. Bedrooms are private, the site of confidences, negotiations, plans, dreams, love, hate, sex, birth, illness and death. The dining table is public, the site of rituals that display and support…

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